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“Stylish and sexy…” “a masterclass in noir…”

“No one knows Los Angeles, or noir, quite like he does.” — Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of The Sympathizer

“This Lynchian nightmare isn’t easy to forget.” – STARRED REVIEW, Publishers Weekly

“The ill wind whipping through these pages leaves its mark.” — Kirkus Reviews

“Stylish and sexy, full of jagged edges and liquid smooth curves that will leave readers holding their breath until the very end.” — Alex Espinoza, author of Still Water Saints and Cruising: An Intimate History of a Radical Pastime

“A masterclass in noir that both honors and elevates the genre.” — Ivy Pochoda, author of Sing Her Down, These Women, Wonder Valley and Visitation Street

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“brilliant, timely, hysterically funny…” “bonkers”

“Telling the truth about academia and the capitalist, anti-intellectual, anti-human fires that are unjustly raging there.” — Lori Jakiela, author of They Write Your Name on a Grain of Rice

“Fearless, merciless, and hilarious.” – James Tate Hill, author of Blind Man’s Bluff

“hilarious, absurd, and realistic interpretation of the educational experience.” — George Singleton, author of The Curious Lives of Nonprofit Martyrs

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“A brilliant concoction”

“An engrossing story about the life and times of a singular woman.” — BookLife, STARRED REVIEW

“A fascinating blend of the personal and the historical.” — Kirkus Reviews, RECOMMENDED

“A brilliant concoction… The tenderness broke my heart.” — Ann Beattie, winner of the Rea Award and the PEN/Malamud Award

“An unforgettable portrait of both a spirited, flawed, mysterious woman and a fascinating era that is no more.” — Clifford Thompson, author of What It Is: Race, Family, and One Thinking Black Man’s Blues and Big Man and the Little Men: A Graphic Novel:

“Lives in my memory long after reading it.” —  Sean O’Driscoll, bestselling author of Heiress, Rebel, Vigilante, Bomber and The Accidental Spy

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Now in our 10th year, Outpost19’s award-winning list of fiction and nonfiction books continues to grow. Check out our recent titles.

STARRED REVIEW! Publishers Weekly!: Thirteen Question Method by David L. Ulin, “a masterclass in noir that both honors and elevates the genre”

Rooted 2: The Best New Arboreal Nonfiction, edited by Josh MacIvor-Andersen. “Messy, symbiotic, beautiful.”

KIRKUS RECOMMENDED! Master Lovers by David Winner, a twisted puzzle of love and fascism: “an unforgettable portrait of both a spirited, flawed, mysterious woman and a fascinating era”

Anything You Recognize by Daniel Mueller, a new joy-filled collection of short fiction, these “sexy, poignant, unpredictable stories explode across the page”

Disappearing Debutantes by Meg Pokrass and Aimee Parkison, a remarkable collection of flash fiction exploring women who “become strange in hopes of being loved, being listened to, being understood, and being seen.”

Gad’s Book by Dylan Bassett, a brilliant debut novel tracking the seduction of a young novelist by a group of charismatic activists. “A masochistic delight.”

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Short novels + extended essays. Powerful + acclaimed.

“A furious, darkly comic fable for this precise American moment” – J. Robert Lennon

“A tense and timely love story that probes the disastrous gulf between class and technology” – Ben Marcus

“Endlessly inquisitive… a worthy addition to the canon of messy, strange, and keen women” – Kirkus Reviews

“The Jim Jarmusch of Central Oklahoma zoo-fiction—contemplative and dreamy and in awe of the strange.” – Benjamin Warner

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New York Times
The Guardian
The New Yorker
Electric Lit

Now in our 10th year, Outpost19 is an award-winning publisher of fine fiction and nonfiction books. Our authors and titles have been featured in indie and major media and favored by booksellers nationwide. Based in San Francisco. Jon Roemer, senior editor and publisher.

Learn how to order our books, how to subscribe to our email and how to submit projects.

San Francisco, CA books@outpost19.com